Monday, April 27, 2009

Foundational Success to launch in May

A new joint venture with 30 top experts and authors from around the globe is set to launch in May 2009.

Foundational Success - Building Blocks for Personal and Professional Success

This value added e-publication is led by Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey and is a fund raising project for the CAPS Foundation. Canadian Association of Professional Speakers.

Pre-order price is only $20 and proceeds go directly to the CAPS Foundation.

Visit: to see who contributed their wisdom to this new tool in your personal and professional success.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Update on Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey

Idea Man, Bob Hooey has been traveling the world sharing his innovative message of hope and help.

This past January found him keynoting an Innovation Summit in Mumbai, India.

He was also honored with an Excellence in Innovation award at a gala event later that evening.

Click here to see a short clip from that keynote, where he talked about the human side of innovation. He challenged his audiences to work to help their people innovate and be more effective.

In November of 2008 he toured Iran for 8 days... he spoke to an number of different audiences... in fact he spoke 6 out of the 8 days he was in this country. His Secret Selling Tips have gained audiences in North America and Asia.

His travels have taken him around the world... working in 9 countries on 4 continents, so far.

He would love to share his ideas with your team, organization, or convention.

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