Tuesday, August 16, 2005

What are you doing to be happy?

Are you taking advantage of all your opportunities to be happy?

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know, the only ones amoung you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Albert Schweitzer

Are you happy in your life, career or business? Does it show?

Many of us miss amazing opportunities to bring a little joy into the lives of our customers, and by that ourselves, when we forget why we are in business. I tell my audiences that, "the main purpose of business is to make the lives of our customers better, at a profit."

When we are focused on the challenges of dealing with conflicting demands, customer quirks and the hectic pace in which we live and do business, it is easy to forget. We loose our joy and zeal we had when we first started. This has a downward spiral in making life more difficult and our relationships less satisfying. This spiral can be haulted and turned around.

Our success in business and life is built on relationships. Those relationships are enhanced when we reach out and touch people.

"There is a great paradox in reaching our to touch someone - and that is, the more you reach out to others, the more you will be touched yourself. Joy and happiness in great measure are waiting for us if we will reach just a little further." So writes Joan Rawlusyk

My challenge for you is to make a conscious effort to reach out and touch the people that come through your life and business. Be open to sharing joy and happiness in what you do.

For example: A few years ago I had the great opportunity to work with two delightful grade 3 students - Astounding Announcers, who were introducing our speakers at an event I was hosting. They were so much fun and a joy to work with...

As always, I would love to hear some of your stories. Write me at:

Visit my website: www.ideaman.net or www.businesssuccess.ca for more articles you can build on...


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